Archive for অক্টোবর 4th, 2007 |Daily archive page

Configuring WINS Proxy Agent at Windows XP

•    First configure the computer for WINS operation in accordance with the NT Workstation instructions, NT Server instructions,2000 Professional instructions, 2000 Server instructions or XP Professional and Home Edition instructions as appropriate.
•    Back up system registry files, just in case.
•    Run the registry editor regedt32 and navigate to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters
•    Add a new value called EnableProxy of type REG_DWORD and set the value to 1.
•    Exit the registry editor and restart the computer for your changes to take effect.
NOTE: You can verify your Windows NT/2000/XP proxy status by starting a DOS prompt and then running the command ipconfig /all. You should see that WINS Proxy Enabled is set to Yes.